About Me

I’m a writer, maker, and theatre artist based in Madison, WI. I’m passionate about storytelling and fascinated by how the forms we tell stories in affects the stories we tell.

My Aesthetic

I have developed my artistic objectives and creative processes through work in several different mediums and interdisciplinary creative contexts. My experiments with different narrative forms has given me an understanding of creative mediums as a key component of storytelling, and I strive to make the mediums I create stories in an element of the stories themselves.

I view all creative work as a transmutation of the artists’ knowledge and experiences, processed and expressed through their medium of choice. This constitutes a creative alchemy, and alchemy is both a useful metaphor for my creative practices and a frequent inspiration for the content of my stories.

My interdisciplinary experiences and alchemical inspirations propel me to create gesamtkunstwerk – “total art” – that utilizes multiple creative forms to create an elevated, unified work. All creative work has an abstract concept and a physical expression, and I seek to craft physical expressions that capture the full weight of the abstract concepts they represent.